
Spreading the Gospel of Music

Performing music is by nature a joyful act. Here is a vintage photo of the author, (along with colleagues Kira Blumberg, Colleen Coomber and Ana Maria Maldonado) dressed in our touring garb, and spreading the gospel of string music to young students everywhere.

A very dear teacher who is no longer with us once shared with me: “there is more than enough negativity in the world. Let’s work to make it a more positive place.” That is our best and highest calling as musicians.


By Bill Alpert

Bill Alpert is a performer, teacher and author with a unique focus on personal development and mindfulness viewed through the lens of violin study. Mr. Alpert's resume includes recordings, performances and film scores with artists such as The Moody Blues, Pepe Romero, Tina Turner and Johnny Mathis. The co-founder of the award winning Alpert Studio of Voice and Violin in California, he is professionally active in the American String Teachers Association and the Suzuki Association of America.