Transformation through the Violin

I made my violin student cry.

I regularly ask my violin students to stretch far past their everyday boundaries.

Sometimes those lessons produce an unanticipated effect. A sense of overwhelm. An unanticipated jitter. Even an unexpected welling up of tears.

The results, even if less than perfect, are irrelevant. It is the resolve to pursue the path and the will to endure your inner resistance that is transformational.

That’s the whole point of undertaking the violin journey.

Practical Violin

Violin Shoulder Rests Can Be Hazardous to Your Playing

It’s fine if you really need to use a shoulder rest for your violin or viola. But, are you really, really sure you need you need that shoulder rest? Or did you simply dismiss the idea of going without it, based on a five minute “I don’t like the way it feels?”

At a recent orchestra performance, I had the pleasant surprise of being stand partner with a wonderful professional violinist who just weeks before, ended a lifelong shoulder rest habit. By evaluating her violin setup in my studio, and fitting her with a custom chin rest, the shoulder rest became an unnecessary impedance. She was ecstatic, to say the least.

To make the switch, you’ll need to rethink your approach to supporting the violin. No longer is it rigidly fixed into a single position. Instead, it is dynamically supported at three points.

Your violin and head should easily move as you play. The amount of effort used to support the instrument should be situational: add only a minimum support only as needed. This Nathan Milstein video exemplifies the kind of setup that will support a stellar career into your 80s. Notice how Mr. Milstein’s head and violin are free to move at will. Notice the great efficiency in his playing.

Here’s your transformation: release the tension in your violin as a starting point. Where else in your life are you locked into rigid, inflexible positions? Where can you produce greater results with far less effort.

Practicing the Violin Staying Motivated to Practice

I’ll get started when I have time to practice

You won’t. Because that day never comes.

Practice isn’t an activity; it’s a state of being. It either is or it isn’t your life.

Much the same as gaining health or wealth; practice is a mindset that you either embrace or don’t.

So if nothing else, release the pipe dream wishes for a day when you’ll have time to practice, and you’ll gain some clarity. That can be worth a lot.

Practice Problems Practicing the Violin

How to Skip Your Music Practice

Don’t want to practice today? No problem, since you should already keep a notebook or journal handy in your practice room.

On the days you will be practicing:

Just before practicing, jot down a sentence or two about your goals for the session. That’s always a good idea.

If you’re thinking: “I’m not going to practice today,”

Simply write the following in the journal: “I’ve decided I won’t be practicing today.”

Now release any guilt or non productive emotions and go about your day.

Now at least you’ve made a clear choice, and brought a greater degree of mindfulness to your practice. Pay attention to your practice journal over time, and see what happens.

photo credit: mfhiatt via photopin cc

Pro's Corner

Zen and the Art of the Gigging Musician

As a gigging musician you can focus on the quality work calls you are getting, and how you compare to your friends.

Or you can focus on improving your craft day in, day out. On achieving a greater level of mastery, even if the gigs suck. On staying the course, even if your audience sounds like a field of crickets.

The first path (the path of ego) will drive you to distraction.  The path of mastery will always lead to a positive transformation in every part of your life.